The COLPHENE BSW system is the perfect solution when you are waterproofing horizontal and vertical surfaces in blind side wall applications located in high-density areas. Its use is crucial when nearby buildings limit the access and excavation of a new project.
COLPHENE BSW membranes stand out from the competition due to their performance. One of the COLPHENE BSW membrane features is its superior adhesion to concrete. Benefiting from the heat of the exothermic reaction that occurs during the curing process of concrete, the COLPHENE BSW system has superior adhesion due to the chemical and mechanical bond between the waterproofing membranes and structural concrete, which not only prevents water infiltration inside the building but also lateral water migration between the membrane and concrete.
BSW stands for “Blind Side Waterproofing”, because after the installation of membranes it will be impossible to have access to them once structural concrete is poured.